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Belgian Science Policy Office


The Federal Science Policy coordinates the Belgian participation to European research programmes with the Communities and Regions. It undertakes also a number of initiatives to inform the researchers on the presented opportunities. Through the major research programmes we manage, we also offer the government reliable, validated data, allowing it to take decisions with full knowledge of the facts in areas such as sustainable development, the fight against climate change, biodiversity, energy, health, mobility and the information society.

The Federal Science Policy also co-ordinates the research effort lead by all the country’s authorities and is responsible for introducing our researchers into international research networks. In this sense, it lies at the heart of the Belgian research space and represents a major centre in the European Research Area.

The Federal Science Policy alone represents almost 30% of the entire Belgian public budget in terms of research.

partnership type
EGI Council Participant
partnership Option
Joined in
Represented consortium

BEgrid (the Belgian Grid for Research)

BEgrid is the computing/data grid infrastructure of the Belgian Grid for Research. Participation to BEgrid is open to researchers.

  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Universiteit Antwerpen Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Universiteit Gent Universiteit Gent
  • Université Libre de Bruxelles Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum Vlaamse Supercomputer Centrum
  • Belgian Science Policy Office

Highlights from the annual Country Impact Report




in which the Federation member or institutions in the country participate

iMagine provides a portfolio of ‘free at point of use’ image datasets, high-performance image analysis...

GREAT Project

The GREAT project, funded by the Digital Europe program, aims to establish the Green Deal...


SoBigData++ strives to deliver a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics, coupled...

SoBigData RI PPP
SoBigData RI PPP

The SoBigData RI Preparation Phase Project (PPP) is the preparatory phase of the SoBigData RI...


EUHubs4Data is setting up a European federation of Big Data Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), with the...


LETHE will provide a novel data-driven risk factor prediction model for older individuals at risk...


PITHIA-NRF aims at building a European distributed network that integrates observing facilities, data processing tools and...

LABPLAS project

LABPLAS is a 48-months project whose vision is creating capacities (sampling, analysis and quantification techniques,...


BD4NRG (Big Data for Next Generation eneRGy) is working to deliver a reference architecture for...

EOSC Future

EOSC Future integrates, consolidates, and connects e-infrastructures, research communities, and initiatives in EOSC to develop the...

EOSC Focus
EOSC Focus

EOSC Focus supports the co-programmed EOSC Partnership in delivering its mission of establishing Open Science...


The Data Spaces Support Centre, as described in the Digital Europe Programme, will set up...


Pre-PAI will be the realization of “Preparatory actions for the AI-on-demand platform” providing the blueprint...


AI4Europe builds on the work of AI4EU and multiple supporting projects, creating an open,...


EuroScienceGateway will deliver a robust, scalable, seamlessly integrated open infrastructure for data-driven research, contributing an...

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EGI Foundation

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam


Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007