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Highlights from EGI 2023 Conference – Day 3

Updated 23/06/2023

The third day of the conference focused on data spaces and hosted the final event of the CS3MESH4EOSC project, “Unlocking Open Science and Collaborative Research Landscape“.

The plenary session, chaired by Mark Dietrich, tackled ongoing initiatives around European data, from the Smart Middleware Platform (SIMPL) to nine pan-European data spaces across key economic sectors. The plenary explored research and business data and discussed possible synergies, including exploitation for AI and machine learning. After an introduction from Jurry de la Marr and Daniel Alonso, respectively, T-Systems and Copernicus Data Space and BDVA, the following panel allowed discussion on tendencies, interactions and a way forward.
The next session, about the EGI DIH, presented the initiative by showcasing one of the business success stories supported, and hosted a presentation of the Aruba commercial cloud service and opportunities for the community.
Another one focused on the engagement of Public Authorities in EOSC with the participation of the projects in the Data-Driven Policy Cluster (DECIDO, AI4PP, Intelcomp, PolicyCloud) and their uses cases, implementing solutions to improve public sector policy and decision-making that will contribute to creating a more sustainable, healthier and citizen-oriented city planning and work environment. The session also addressed the sustainability of the various use cases and pilots with an overview of the co-creation methodologies used in the different projects to create their business plans and ensure that relevant stakeholders’ perspectives are considered.
After that, a focus on Trusted Research Environments (TREs) showed how researchers could safely access data and resources, exploring different solutions and architectures within service providers with some highlights on EGI services and the possibilities to create predefined cross-border TRE service within the EGI community for project purposes.
The closing plenary meeting on the future of computing saw Sagar Dolas, SURF Innovation Labs, enlightening the audience with some insights on the future of computing and its impact on grand challenges in society and how the main trends related to the service strategy of the EGI Federation.
Last but not least, after the plenary, there was still time for a few more sessions: one about the contribution to the services of the EOSC Platform, that on the EuroScienceGateway (ESG) project, which in collaboration with EOSC and Galaxy provides a user-friendly scientific workflow and data integration platform, the one on the governance consultation on Data Spaces with GREAT and Datamite, one on the status and technical roadmaps of the ‘Federation management solutions’ that the EGI federation relies on to integrate distributed resources and services into a Pan-European and Global infrastructure, concluding with an overview of the use cases of European and national data repositories which use the research infrastructure of National Data Storage (NDS) in Poland.